How To Unblock Mero Share Account ? Unblock MeroShare Online

 You may have Faced the account blocked problem due to the excessive login attempts or invalid login details on meroshare . Don't worry You can Easily Unblock Your Account Both offline / online. 

Offline Unblock / Recovery Process

In Some banks, you may need to fill out the  form to recover your Meroshare password. You can fill the form with account holder's name , BOID , and account number . You can download the form from their website.

Online Unblock / Recovery

Some of the banks also allow you to recover meroshare password / Unblock meroshare account online , You can request for account unblock , password reset online through emails.

So Let's Begin,

All You Need To Do Is Write A Mail To Your Capital To Unblock Your Meroshare Account , Below is the template and Mail ID of all the capitals , You Can edit Your Details Accordingly,

Template ( Mail Sample)

( You Can Copy This Sample Mail)

Date: Day / Month / Year


The Manager

Kumari Capital Bank

Subject: To Unblock / Reset the Meroshare password

Dear Sir/Madam,

I have been using Meroshare services with this bank . I forgot my login Password and i tried to login with some password  gestures ( Random attempts) . Unfortunately my account was blocked . I would, therefore request you to unblock/reset my Meroshare account as soon as possible.

I have provided all necessary details in this letter I hope for the positive response from you.

Account Holder Name: Your Name

BOID Number:  Your Demat Number

Client ID/Username: Your Client ID

Mobile Number: Your Mobile Number

Email: Your Gmail / Email ID.

You Can Use the above letter or re-edit the above template and mail it to your capital . As soon as the capital receives your mail they will consider and solve your problem

Below are the email of some capitals.

Capital And Their Emails

*Prabhu Bank =

*Global IME Bank =

NIBL Bank =

*NIC Asia Bank  =

*NMB Bank =

*Bank of Kathmandu

*CBIL Capital =

* Civil Capital

*Himalayan Capital

*Kumari Capital =

*Machhapuchchhre Capital =

Nepal Bangladesh Bank =

*Sanima Bank =

*Sunrise Bank =

*Laxmi Capital =

*Siddhartha Capital =

*Mega Capital =

*Century Capital =

*Muktinath Capital  =


Unknown said…
Hello Sr mero shere ko Mobile reset bhayar kholda user blocked bhanx password 01569095 ho
Unknown said…
Hello Sr mero shere ko Mobile reset bhayar kholda user blocked bhanx password 01569095