How To Unblock Mero Share Account ? Unblock MeroShare Online
You may have Faced the account blocked problem due to the excessive login attempts or invalid login details on meroshare . Don't worry You can Easily Unblock Your Account Both offline / online.
Offline Unblock / Recovery Process
In Some banks, you may need to fill out the form to recover your Meroshare password. You can fill the form with account holder's name , BOID , and account number . You can download the form from their website.
Online Unblock / Recovery
Some of the banks also allow you to recover meroshare password / Unblock meroshare account online , You can request for account unblock , password reset online through emails.
So Let's Begin,
All You Need To Do Is Write A Mail To Your Capital To Unblock Your Meroshare Account , Below is the template and Mail ID of all the capitals , You Can edit Your Details Accordingly,
Template ( Mail Sample)
Date: Day / Month / Year
The Manager
Kumari Capital Bank
Subject: To Unblock / Reset the Meroshare password
Dear Sir/Madam,
I have been using Meroshare services with this bank . I forgot my login Password and i tried to login with some password gestures ( Random attempts) . Unfortunately my account was blocked . I would, therefore request you to unblock/reset my Meroshare account as soon as possible.
I have provided all necessary details in this letter I hope for the positive response from you.
Account Holder Name: Your Name
BOID Number: Your Demat Number
Client ID/Username: Your Client ID
Mobile Number: Your Mobile Number
Email: Your Gmail / Email ID.
You Can Use the above letter or re-edit the above template and mail it to your capital . As soon as the capital receives your mail they will consider and solve your problem
Below are the email of some capitals.